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Funeral Preplanning and your Privacy

Death is a delicate matter on its own, and when combined with the prevalence of social media in today’s world, privacy is often a pressing concern.
Most recently, Facebook has remedied common privacy concerns by creating a “legacy contact” feature that allows individuals to pass account management features over to a loved one upon passing. And, because many individuals view a Facebook timeline as an excellent place to commemorate their lost love one and celebrate their memories, many are rejoicing in this new feature.
However, social media isn’t the end of privacy concerns after death. After all, there are other platforms through which loved ones celebrate and remember who has passed. But what many don’t realize is that funeral homes have also taken steps to protect privacy after death in their own unique way as well.
Below, we’ll discuss both Facebook legacy contacts and funeral home privacy measures to give you a better idea bout how your loved one is protected, even after death.

So, What Does it Mean to be a Facebook “Legacy Contact?”

All Facebook users have two choices when they pass: to opt for the deletion of their account or to designate a legacy contact that will have access to certain aspects of their account. Legacy contacts can take a few specific actions, including:

  • Changing their loved one’s profile picture and cover photo.
  • Creating a special post (either for memorial services or in remembrance of their loved one) to be pinned to the top of their loved one’s timeline; and
  • Accept friend requests from friends and family members who weren’t already connected with their loved one on Facebook

One of the most beneficial features is that loved ones can allow legacy contacts to download an archive of photos, posts, and other information that was shared on the site. This allows families to access memories they otherwise might not have while still protecting privacy after death.

Funeral Homes are Taking Similar Steps Toward Protecting Privacy

Sometimes, facts about death and dying are skewed, particularly when it comes to ways in which funeral homes are protecting the privacy of deceased individuals and their families. Among the funeral homes taking steps toward privacy is Plaza Jewish Community Chapel., a New York City based Not for Profit organization.
Most notably, Plaza now offers a password on webcasts and their YouTube channel to ensure that archived memorial webcasts remain unlisted. This means that while family members and friends can share in the memorial services and memories of their loved ones, others cannot. Plaza also handles Funeral Preplanning, and advocates preparing ahead regarding your end of life care and after death wishes, including privacy.
Similarly to Facebook, this means that both memories and privacy remain protected,

Death is a Sensitive Subject and Social Media is Adapting

With social media with more users than ever before, privacy matters. Now, with Facebook making active changes to protect privacy while protecting privacy as well, families and friends can remember their loved one as they want to.
Of course, privacy for memorial services is important as well and actions taken by Plaza are indicative of the progress friends and family expect in today’s digital age.

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