AVAILABLE 24 HOURS A DAY AT 212-769-4400
funeral pre-planning
The funeral directors of Plaza stand ready to assist you in pre-need planning. Our staff will ensure an easy
and seamless process and are available to answer all of your questions and concerns.



    pre-planning advantage

    Jewish tradition calls upon us to bury the dead as soon as possible. Barring unusual circumstances, funerals occur within 48 to 72 hours after death. For bereaved family members, it is not the best time to be absorbed in decisions concerning where the funeral will be held, who will officiate, where burial will occur, the content of an obituary or, most importantly, the wishes of the deceased with respect to all of these questions. A great deal of time, money and emotional distress can be saved by planning ahead. Most importantly, the stressful question “Are we doing the right thing?” need not arise, if the wishes of the deceased are known. Answering that question at a time of emotional stress often leads to unnecessary spending. Planning ahead leads to true peace of mind.

    One of the great advantages of pre-need planning is that it provides an opportunity to shop around and compare the services and prices of different funeral chapels. The funeral directors of PLAZA stand ready to assist you in pre-need planning and in making such comparisons. We believe that those who do so will quickly appreciate the advantages of dealing with a community-owned not-for-profit service rather than a corporate enterprise dedicated to maximizing shareholder value.

    CALL US 24 HOURS A DAY AT 212-769-4400


    A funeral with Plaza Jewish is considerably less expensive than other funeral chapels in Manhattan.

    FRANK E.
    Taken from each company's general price list. All prices are subject to change without notice.


    Our funeral directors will guide you through a process of seeking answers to the following questions:
    Do you want a traditional Jewish burial or more secular arrangements?

    Where do you wish to be buried? Have you purchased a cemetery plot?

    Do you desire a chapel service or prefer a graveside service?

    Will the service be private or open to any who wish to attend?

    Is there a particular rabbi you wish to officiate?

    Do you wish to consider organ donation?

    What type of casket do you prefer?

    Do you want an obituary notice published in the newspaper? Do you have any specific desires as to the content of the notice?

    Do you have a specific charity you wish to identify for memorial tributes?

    How many copies of the death certificate will you need to wrap up your financial affairs?

    The answers to these questions can form the basis of a formal pre-need contract or merely serve as a permanent record that will remain available to guide the actual funeral arrangements at the time of need. A formal pre-paid contract is subject to rigorous controls under New York State law. The funds are held in a special interest-bearing trust account in an FDIC insured bank and are fully-refundable at any time should you change your mind about any of the arrangements for any reason. Pre-payment has the advantage of locking in the cost of the arrangements and may be a more desirable way of handling or spreading the cost for some families since the payments may be made over time. PLAZA hopes to drive funeral costs down over time; the pre-need contract will not deprive you of the benefit of any price reductions that may occur after the contract is signed.

    Pre-arrangement and pre-payment of funeral expenses is particularly desirable for those persons who face the possibility of exhausting their assets in order to reach SSI/Medicaid eligibility requirements for nursing home or other care. The Social Security law allows individuals to set aside funds for their burial by entering into a prepaid irrevocable contract before their resources decline to the level required for Federal assistance. This makes it possible for Medicaid recipients to be buried with dignity rather than being forced to spend those funds for survival before becoming eligible for benefits.

    Please feel free to call us with any questions you may have about planning ahead. Your thoughtfulness now will be rewarded by peace of mind in the future.

    A a service to the community, we are proud to provide the “Graceful Exits Packet”, an invaluable collection of documents that can be downloaded, printed and given to your next of kin.

    This packet is based on the Be Prepared Kit developed by the Westchester End-of-Life Coalition.
    • Important Contacts

      Store the names, roles and contact information on the primary and important people in your life.
    • Health Care Proxy

      This Health Care Proxy is an instrument (or document) that allows a patient to appoint an agent to make health care decisions, in the event they are not aboe to make it for themselves.
    • Final Arrangements

      Who should be contacted? What type of service do you want? What do you want for your final disposition? These and other questions regarding your final arrangements can be answered in this form.
    • Ethical Will

      Use this form to pass ethical values to your next of kin.
    • Where to Find Important Documents

      Many of the documents referenced are necessary for applying for benefits and important to those assiting with your affairs. Using this form, you can specify where you store these vital documents.
    • Financials, Property, Insurance, Etc.

      This form deals with affairs regarding your estate, Who should be contacted and what are their roles? Who do you bank with and what are the account credentials? What other assets do you have and what are the details of these? Etc.
    • Arrangements for Pets

      Who should be contacted? What type of service do you want? What do you want for your final disposition?
    • candle lighting

      Funeral Costs

      Plaza Jewish was created to give families an alternative to the corporate owned chapels in the vicinity. Plaza is owned and operated by the Jewish community so our sole concern is our families, not shareholders or corporate stakeholders.


    • iphone & android apps

      Our Chapels

      Plaza has two beautiful chapels to accomodate services of all sizes. Both chapels have been recently renovated, and can handle overflow via remote.


    • links

      Webcasting & DVDs

      Both of our chapels can accommodate webcasting for those who are unable to attend in person. Additionally, a DVD can be made available.


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