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On Monday, April 4, 2011 Plaza Jewish Community Chapel celebrated 10 years of serving the metropolitan New York Jewish Community. Having served 6000 families Plaza acknowledged the tireless effort of Board Chair Al Engelberg who stepped down after serving as Chairman for ten years. Harold Handler was voted in unanimously by the Board of Directors […].... READ STORY

Google Certifies Plaza Jewish Community Chapel as a Google for Nonprofits Organization

The only community owned Jewish Funeral Chapel in the greater New York metropolitan area begins benefiting from the ‘Google for Non Profit’ program with a Google AdWords™ grant for up to $10,000 per month in Free advertising, and Free Live and On-demand Streaming of Funeral Services on YouTube™ NYC, Sept. 19, 2012 — Plaza Jewish Community […].... READ STORY

Dawn Of The Mourning Business

Economic recovery may still be elusive in most sectors, but one field appears to be enjoying a new life, so to speak: the Jewish mourning business. In the past year, no fewer than five funeral- and shiva-related endeavors have been launched, and a few are actually profit-making ventures. There’s, a registry that offers easy […].... READ STORY

Reprinted with permission from The New York Times.

In some people’s minds, there is not much difference between funeral home directors and used-car salesmen. “Funeral services have always gotten a bad rap,” Charles S. Salomon, the funeral director at Riverside Memorial Chapel in Manhattan, said with a sigh. “Nobody wants to be involved in funerals. No one wants to talk about them. People […].... READ STORY

Plaza Jewish Community Chapel Invests in Community Education as it Retires Debt

Plaza Jewish Community Chapel, the first and only nonprofit funeral chapel in New York that is owned and operated by the Jewish Community, will be stepping up its efforts to serve as a valuable community resource on issues of mourning and burial now that it is retiring its debt. This month at its Board of […].... READ STORY

Plaza Jewish @ Work!

Check out our latest newsletter. Find out what makes Plaza different than other funeral homes, what we are doing in the community, and more: Click here..... READ STORY

Highlights from Plaza’s 14th Bereavement Conference: “The Cross Section of Medicine and Spirituality”

Plaza Jewish Community Chapel recently presented their 14th Bereavement Conference, “The Cross Section of Medicine and Spiritual Needs” with Dr. Linda Emanuel as keynote speaker. The conference was attended by 150 and was geared to Clergy and Chaplains..... READ STORY

Novel Palliative Care Initiative for Chronically Ill Patients

(Republished from May 28th Edition of The Jewish Voice, Page 9). Mt Sinai School of Medicine and Plaza Jewish Community Chapel Join in Breakthrough Venture   Mount Sinai School of Medicine’s Brookdale Department of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine announced a partnership with Plaza Jewish Community Chapel, Inc, to provide palliative care counseling to two groups of patients […].... READ STORY


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